Principles of Nutrition
Optimum Nutrition Therapy
Food as Medicine – Food as Pleasure


The process of nourishing or being nourished; especially the interrelated steps by which a living organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and for replacement of tissues.

The word is Old French from Latin nurtritio, or  nutrire— to feed to nourish.

At Optimum Nutrition Therapy, we define nutrition as how we digest, assimilate and eliminate our food. The quality of our food and the daily choices we make, have a huge influence on how we think, feel, move and sleep.

The human body is truly magnificent—with its ability to function without much conscious thought, continually regenerating, healing and finding balance. All it asks is a diet of macro and micronutrients, water, exercise, rest and love.


It is not possible to have a healthy body without healthy food. Without quality nutrients the body begins to degenerate. The first obvious signs of distress are things we consider normal—heartburn, indigestion, excess gas, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea. Actually, these are signs of poor digestion which impacts assimilation (absorption) of nutrients leading to poor detoxification and elimination. Therefore, the health of the digestive system is paramount to the health of the body.

The more we learn about the digestive system the more complex it becomes. It is also known as the second brain, as it has more nerves than the spine. 60% of the immune system is located in or around the digestive system. And it is the home to about 3 lbs. of bacteria, enzymes and much more.

Of course, the digestive system is critical to the health of this body. To fuel, build and maintain this mechanism requires healthy eating-- high-quality fats, protein, complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other plant and food components. Unfortunately, problems occur when we have too much of one or the other…or too many refined or simple carbohydrates (i.e. white rice, pasta, bread, cookies, or sugar)…or if the fat is too saturated…or too much dairy, red meat, wine or coffee…or not enough fiber, exercise, water and rest. Even though the body is flexible, adaptable and resilient if the food input is out of balance it begins to malfunction or deteriorate. Healthy food is a major contributor to a healthy body.

See DIGESTION link for more details.


We need micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) to achieve balance in the overall diet. Because soil is not as rich as it once was much food has been found to be deficient in many minerals. Poor immunity, poor digestion, detoxification and stress, cause the body to use up more nutrients than can be obtained from food alone.

Our food consumption has increased over the years, yet we have been getting fewer nutrients due mainly to ‘empty calories’ from foods that have been stripped of the nutrients and fiber (i.e.white flour, rice). Other nutrient depleting factors are alcohol, antacids, caffeine, nicotine, medication, illness, injury, pregnancy, and hospitalization.

According to the USDA 80% of women and 70% of men do not meet the RDI (Recommended Dietary Intake) for one or more nutrients. This is not to say that nutritional supplements should be taken instead of food. On the contrary, micronutrients should supplement a healthy diet.

See SUPPLEMENT link for more details.


Our bodies were meant to move. However, we have adopted a sedentary lifestyle that is causing dis-ease, stiffness, weight gain and other problems. Every part of the body needs the added oxygenation received during exercise. For example, the lymph system, which has many functions besides filtering and removing toxins from the body, requires movement for circulation of lymphatic fluids. Muscles mass, the most active tissue in the body, is increased with exercise.  In addition, exercise facilitates the release of endorphins, weight management and insulin control. Incorporating, aerobics (running, bicycling, fast walking, etc) stretching (yoga) and resistance exercise (weight training) is a great way to ensure a healthy body well into the later years.  Exercise is and healthy eating are partners in good health.


We are 70% water. We need to constantly replenish this vital nutrient, unadulterated and clean. Its functions are varied—filtering, cleansing, moistening, lubricating, supporting and transporting. The body needs approximately half the body’s weight in ounces of water each day. Drink for health! See link for more details on water.

See WATER link for more details.


Food is more than fuel for our bodies, it represents community, sharing, nurturing, sensuality, and fun. For example, the Mediterranean lifestyle is far more than the Mediterranean Diet. In this part of the world much importance is attached to the quality of food, cooking from fresh, lovingly-grown ingredients and the sharing of meals over long periods of time. If you have ever visited these countries you, no doubt, fondly recall this style of eating. The celebration of life and food is part of what our body and soul yearn for. To the body, food is sacred. Why eat anything but healthy food?


Of course, the soul factor is a huge part of body balance.
How does our soul weave through our life?
What do we do for pleasure? 
Do we think of our bodies with compassion?
What nourishes the soul?
What is our passion?
Are we passionate about our work?
What do we create?
How do we relax? Do we get enough of what Dr. Mark David calls 'Vitamin R'?
How do we live and share in community?
How can we make the necessary changes to implement body and soul alignment and balance?

We belive that we all have a right to good quality food, water and air. AND we all have a responsibility to make wise and informed choices, each day, about the food we buy and eat. These foods not only feed us, they influence how we think, feel, move and sleep. The way they are grown also affects our shared environment—our Planet.

Eat Consciously.

Eat Wisely.

Real Health
Why Organic?
The Best You Can Be